Cross borders through entrepreneurship

We bring high school Community Leaders from the US & China together to solve problems through Social entrepreneurship. Want to hack on health, sustainability, and other issues impacting your community? Work with other high school leaders from across the US & China — all via zoom.

中美童梦 (GenDream) 是致力于在中美两国培养具有全球视野的未来社区领袖的项目。我们召集来自美国和中国的高中学生,通过企业家精神解决社区问题 , 例如交通问题、可持续发展等。GenDream是一个通过Zoom视频和微信的项目。 学生只需要一台计算机/智能手机和互联网连接参与。

Get coaching from the world’s top startup hubs, from Beijing to Silicon Valley


Meet Coach Hans

Before cofounding a transportation startup in Silicon Valley, Hans spent 15 years with Chinese and US investors working on cross-border acquisitions and joint ventures.


Meet Coach Sophia

Coach Sophia founded Merit Education as a high school student to help recent immigrants thrive.



Students are placed in teams of 3-4 Community Leaders from across the world based on shared interests in certain global issues.


Weekly lectures given by invited guest speakers and professionals in the social entrepreneurship space that focus on each step in the social enterprise-building process, from market research to pitching the product.


With the support of Coaches and Peer Coaches, teams work on applying the lectures to building their social enterprises.

See our full Coaching network here



Community Leaders exchange unique ideas and perspectives, building a project that fosters innovation, inclusivity, and positive impact on a global scale.

Image: Team Delivery in Winter 2020 built a program to help senior citizens reduce the risk of exposure when acquiring groceries and other essential items.


Present at Demo Day

After months of hard work and team building, the Community Leaders will produce a business plan to showcase on Demo day to an audience filled with parents, coaches, and mentors.

Image: In the Winter 2020 session, both teams decided to focus on areas impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic.