Apply to be a Community Leader | 申请

Applications for Spring 2024 are Currently closed. please stay tuned for the upcoming class! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to


Your mission as a community leader:

Your mission as a Community Leader is to identify a problem impacting your community, and work with your team to create a business plan tackling that problem.

  • The problem can be something impacting your school, your neighborhood, or your city / state. Examples include: access to education, pollution, transit, food sustainability, homelessness, internet access, and more.

  • Your business can be a for-profit social enterprise, or non-profit.

  • Your team will be from both the US & China—you’ll need to collaborate across time zones, cultural differences, and language barriers to achieve your goal.


作为GenDream青年领袖, 你的任务是与团队合作解决影响社区的问题。该问题可能会影响 你的学校,邻里或城市/州。 示例包括:教育,污染,交通,流动儿童, 等等。 你的企业可以是营利性的社会企业,也可以是非营利性的。 你的团队将来自美国和中国—你需要跨时区,文化差异和语言障碍进行协作才能实现目标。


Program participants:

For Spring 24 Class, we will accept 40 outstanding Community Leaders from the US & China. Collectively, the S24 Class will form 8 cross-border project teams under four tracks based on salient social issues and provide concrete execution plans. Each team will have Community Leaders from both the US & China. Community Leaders will need to collaborate across time zones, cultural differences, and language barriers in order to jointly research, build, and pitch a business idea tackling an issue that impacts their community.

我们将招募并选拔来自美国和中国的40位社区领袖(每个国家各占20位)。 2023年春季项目将由往届青年领袖带队,围绕他们关心的社会议题与新晋青年领袖介组建8个跨国团队。通过教练辅导和互动课程,新晋社区领袖和领队共同设计针对特定社会问题的创业方案和初步执行方案,并在项目结束时展示进行研究及实践成果展示。 学生需要跨时区,文化差异和语言障碍进行合作。

Program requirements:

Prospective Community Leaders must be willing to dedicate a minimum of 4 hours each week to the program. Group meetings will occur over Zoom video chat every Saturday evening US time / Sunday morning China time. Outside of our weekly group meeting, Community Leaders must be willing to dedicate an additional 2-3 hours per week on the group project.

学生必须愿意每周至少花4个小时参加项目。 美国时间的每星期六晚上/中国时间的星期日早上,将通过Zoom视频进行小组会议。 在我们的每周线上90分钟的课程之外,学生必须愿意每周在小组项目上额外投入2-3个小时用于课程预习和项目协作开发。

-WHen 项目日期-

Every Saturday PM (US) / Sunday AM (CN)

Start date:

End date:

6 - 7:30pm (PST) 9 - 10:30pm (EST) 9 - 10:30am (CN)

-Where 地点-

GenDream is an entirely remote leadership program over Zoom video chat, WeChat, and Lark. All you need is a computer / smartphone and an internet connection to participate. 

GenDream的授课和交流完全通过Zoom视频、微信和飞书。 学生只需计算机/智能手机和互联网便可参加。

-Who can apply? 谁可以申请?-

Students in 9-12th grade from North America, Greater China, and other diverse global communities.



Join us as a local leader and become a global problem solver

We expect Community Leaders, Alumni & Coaches to be:

1. Eager to learn from people of different backgrounds

2. Focused on serving the community

3. Generous in sharing learnings & coaching others

4. Creative explorers in crafting solutions to existing problems
